What we do

InsideOut is a coaching and consulting business established in 2006 to support individuals, teams, communities and organisations.

Our focus is on leadership and communication, and in particular the challenge of engagement – of self and of others – to achieve maximum impact and fulfilment.

In 2016 we launched the InsideOut Adventure to deliver experiential, coaching-led leadership programmes involving indoor and outdoor activities designed to raise awareness, strengthen courage, deepen resilience and increase inspiration.

We’ve worked with a range of people in different situations in the public, private and not-for profit sectors, always seeking to facilitate, challenge, support and unlock potential that lies inside an individual, a team, a community, an organisation, and bring that strength, passion, knowledge, out for maximum impact.

Since we started out together as young aid workers in Somalia in the early 90s, I have watched with admiration as Andy has grown and finely honed his impressive, diverse range of skills and expertise. He is truly an extraordinary person whose remarkable success is founded on a tremendous sense of purpose, combined with humility and generosity. He will help you find the key to unlock the greatness inside you.”

Gareth Owen OBE, Humanitarian Director, Save The Children UK

I feel confident now that I am on the right path, I have made significant progress in various aspects and I know clearly where I am going and how I am going to arrive there. I am a lot more optimistic about the future and things are starting to happen. 

It has been a fantastic and very useful experience and I recommend his coaching sessions to anyone.”

Coaching client

Coaching individuals seeking one-to-one support, both privately and within organisations.

We work one-on-one with people to help unlock potential, explore perspectives and options, identify what is most fulfilling and what lights you up on the inside.  We support you to bring what’s on the inside out.

Organisations create visions, identify values, develop strategies and take actions.  Our coaching supports individuals to consider similar questions – identifying where you are at, and also where you want to go – your vision, your purpose, your values and how to bring that alive in your day-to-day working and living experience. At home.  At work. With family. With colleagues. Connecting what goes on outside with what’s important on the inside.

  • We’ll ask some powerful questions.
  • Explore some challenging situations.
  • Take you out of your comfort zone.
  • Don’t expect an easy ride!  It’s not therapy or counselling or consulting.
  • Expect your InsideOut coach to challenge, to be creative and to fully focus on you.

We design tailored coaching programmes to support our clients most appropriately and our international client base means that our coaching takes place via video or audio skype, telephone or face-to-face.

To discuss potential coaching support please get in touch.  We’d be delighted to have a chat and explore possibilities.

Contact InsideOut

“Andrew has been providing executive leadership coaching to UN Humanitarian Coordinators since 2013. His skill, knowledge and experience has enabled him to understand the complexities of the coordinators’ challenging role – he has been hailed by his clients for his amazing capacity to help them to unlock their leadership potential, taking into account the level of complexity, ambiguity and range of challenges that UN Humanitarian Coordinators face every day. This, coupled with a kindly and flexible nature, has made Andrew a highly valued, hugely successful coach in the UN Humanitarian Coordinator Executive Leadership Coaching Programme.

Kathy Everlet, Former Sr. Training Officer, United Nations.

“I think the best outcome of my coaching sessions with Andrew has been the improvement in my self-confidence. As a consequence my outlook of the future is clearer, I have increased my determination to succeed and now I feel I can clearly see the path to achieve my goals.”

Coaching Client

“His sessions are creative, he uses interesting tools that allow me to see myself and my situation from different angles, many of which I had never thought of and others that I had underestimated or ignored. Different perspectives, gave me many ideas, allowing me to reflect with a new mind about different issues and I started to look at myself and my situation from new ways and to realise things that end up increasing my confidence and determination and helped me to create a better picture of where I wanted to go.”

Coaching client

InsideOut’s work for HSBC – developing the communication and engagement skills of over 350 of our senior leaders across the globe – is the most impactful and useful I have ever seen. Through outstanding session design and facilitation, Andrew, Ainslie and Lissa impart wisdom in a way that sparks instant ownership and confidence in the delegate. In every respect, they are a great professional team to work with.”

Phil Askham, Global Head of Communications, Global Functions at HSBC

Designing and delivering leadership programmes and communication and engagement campaigns that enable clarity of purpose, enhance capability and develop a deeper confidence to achieve.

We have worked with over 2,000 leaders in organisations supporting them to tackle business challenges by strengthening their communication capability and ability to engage others. Our support to teams includes senior leaders, air traffic controllers, engineers, IT, various project teams, communications, HR and learning and development.

Through our highly experiential approach, often involving hands-on facilitation, group and individual coaching, common themes in our work are:

  • Generating greater self-awareness and exploring how I can get the most out of ‘me as a communicator’
  • Increasing understanding of what my role as a communicator is and deepening capability and confidence in fulfilling that role
  • Establishing clarity of purpose and direction – vision, values and the behaviours to help us achieve our chosen path
  • Developing in-house coaching skills and capability enabling communication and HR professionals strengthen their support to key stakeholders
  • Designing, preparing and facilitating events and campaigns to engage stakeholders on different topics

Through our work we provide our clients with a set of practical communications tools and techniques that can be immediately applied at work and elsewhere.

InsideOut support has been highly influential in the development and growth of our global network providing support through coaching, facilitation, workshop and conference design, and providing leadership and communication expertise. Working alongside us with UN-leaders, politicians, international NGOs and grassroots community groups in various parts of the world, InsideOut is a fantastic partner to work with.”

Marcus Oxley, Executive Director, GNDR

Working directly with community groups or indirectly by supporting the work of non-governmental organisations, particularly in the area of communication, campaigning and engaging stakeholders in a course of action.

An early career in humanitarian aid remains highly influential to the direction of InsideOut and we are keen to support meaningful community work wherever possible.

Examples include:

  • Advising the international steering group and secretariat of the Global Network for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), particularly on communication and engagement campaigns relating to the United Nations coordinated campaign to reduce the impact of disasters around the globe
  • Supporting the design and delivery of conferences, workshops and focus groups ranging from Kashmir to Haiti to Delhi to Geneva to The Hague to London
  • Supporting the design and facilitation of Save The Children’s recruitment programmes seeking to select candidates for challenging overseas leadership positions
  • Providing support with the creation and development of a Humanitarian Leadership Academy seeking to strengthen the performance of humanitarian work across different countries
  • Andrew is a trustee for The Sheldon Trust – a predominantly UK-focused charity that aims to alleviate poverty and distress within society by supporting special needs groups and youth development